With advancing age, our nose shape can change. There are two distinct, age-related causes for this: Structural Stability Our nose’s structural stability may deteriorate with age. A long, thin nose with a sagging nasal

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With advancing age, our nose shape can change. There are two distinct, age-related causes for this: Structural Stability Our nose’s structural stability may deteriorate with age. A long, thin nose with a sagging nasal tip that is pointing downward results from the loss of support. Patients sometimes lament their noses getting longer and longer. An impediment in nasal breathing may go along with a droopy tip and an extended nose. Patients frequently report that opening out the tip of their nose helps them breathe easier. Loss of Volume The gradual loss of volume, especially around our eyes and cheeks, is a classic ageing symptom. The nose may retain its height due to its anatomy, whereas the rest of the face gradually descends. A normal-sized nose might suddenly start to look disproportionally enormous as the soft tissue of the cheeks flattens, the nose starts to appear larger, and a modest dorsal hump can suddenly become more evident. Loss of facial volume can exacerbate the appearance of an ageing face as well as accentuate the appearance of the nose. The harmony and balance of the face are disturbed by both mechanisms – the lengthening of the nose and the loss of facial volume. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct a rigorous physical examination of the nose and an equally thorough assessment of the patient’s facial proportions during the consultation. The best course of action may entail a rhinoplasty, a midface procedure, or maybe both. As a highly experienced surgeon, Dr. Shahram will help you appreciate the nuances of age-related changes. With the required attention to detail, you can establish a plan how to restore a natural appearing and aesthetically pleasing balance in your face.


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