Breast lifts typically involve a scar around the areola, which tends to be vertical, although sometimes horizontal. If your breasts are mildly sagging, and the texture of the skin is good, in some instances, Dr. Shahram can lift the breast tissue from the inside, leaving only a short scar under the breasts, and then augment them by placing implants under the muscles for correction of lost volume. This is called an internal lift/breast augmentation, or simply a multiplane breast augmentation.


A forehead lift, also called a brow lift, is a procedure that rioves excess tissue, alters muscles and tightens the forehead skin. This procedure may be performed using the traditional technique, with an incision across the top of the head just behind the hairline, or with the use of an endoscope, which requires three to five short incisions, but allows access to the relevant areas to be treated incorporating a camera and a monitor to visualize the dissected areas.


One to two hours.


General anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia are options.


This is most often an outpatient procedure.


When an endoscope is used the patient may experience tiporary swelling, numbness, headaches and bruising. When the traditional method is used there is the possibility of itching and hair loss.


Injury to facial nerves causing loss of motion, muscle weakness, or an asymmetrical look, persistent areas of numbness and broad and occasionally excessive scarring


The patient usually returns to work in seven to ten days and even sooner with an endoscopic forehead lift. The patient must limit more strenuous activities for several weeks. Full recovery from bruising takes from two to three weeks. One should limit sun exposure for several months to avoid hyperpigmentation of the forehead which can occur as a result of sunlight exposure during the first three to six months after the procedure has been performed.


The results from this procedure usually last five to ten years.