Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job,” is a popular option for patients unhappy with the size or shape of their nose. In addition to the procedure’s well-known cosmetic benefits, however, rhinoplasty has evolved to have much more versatile applications, such as to improve nasal function to help with breathing problems that affect sleep and the ability to exercise. The goal of rhinoplasty is to revise the nose to the patient’s desired appearance and functionality, keeping in mind skin type and the entire face architecture.
In general, candidates for rhinoplasty Dubai should be done with growing. Facial growth in teens and young adults, for example, can affect the look and function of the nose over time. The exception would be paediatric patients who have a facial birth defect, such as cleft palate involving their noses. Additionally, patients should be in good overall health and ideally should not smoke because smoking can lead to poor blood flow and increase the risk of tissue damage. As a rule of thumb, rhinoplasty is possible for teens who have completed their 18th birthday. If combined with a septoplasty (straightening of the septum), this procedure can improve not only a patient’s self-confidence but also breathing.
Prior to rhinoplasty, I ensure the patient fully understands the procedure and its risks and benefits. If goals of rhinoplasty involve facilitating better breathing as well as improving appearance, the procedure might include removal of the nasal hump, reshaping of the nose tip, reshaping or resizing of the nostrils, or increasing or decreasing the nose’s overall size and projection.
Rhinoplasty generally takes 2 to 3 hours and is usually an inpatient procedure. In “closed rhinoplasty,” incisions are made within the nostrils. In “open rhinoplasty,” an incision is made across the tissue between the nostrils as well as within the nostrils. These incisions heal very well and are barely visible.
If additional cartilage is needed to augment the nose, it is frequently taken from the patient’s nasal septum. In secondary or revision rhinoplasty – which is done to correct deformities caused by a previous procedure – this cartilage might be taken from an ear or a rib. Because of the cartilage needs and potential scarring and damage present, revision rhinoplasty is a way more difficult procedure to perform, so it’s important that it’s done by a highly skilled plastic surgeon who is comfortable and experienced in performing revision rhinoplasties.
Following surgery, patients may experience mild discomfort that can be controlled with medication. Rhinoplasty is NOT a painful operation; however, the first part of the recovery period can be somewhat awkward at work and in social settings due to possible bruising under the eyes and the use of a splint and/or tapes. Patients should expect to wear splints on the outside of the nose for about a week after rhinoplasty to protect the nasal bones and cartilages. Additionally, patients should avoid strenuous activity such as jogging or swimming for and avoid wearing glasses for 6 weeks.
The nose is a complex structure made of delicate cartilage, bone, muscles, facsia, fat, mucosa and skin. A small change to one part of the structure affects the rest of the nose, so rhinoplasty requires expertise to achieve a natural, functional outcome.