As we age, fat accumulates in different parts of the body. To counter this unwanted effect of aging, people often follow a healthy lifestyle and exercise regimen. But even this leaves many people with

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As we age, fat accumulates in different parts of the body. To counter this unwanted effect of aging, people often follow a healthy lifestyle and exercise regimen. But even this leaves many people with unsatisfactory results.

Liposuction may be right for you if…

– your overall health is good

– you have deposits of fat on your body that simply won’t budge

– lifestyle changes are not producing the expected results 

– your expectations about what liposuction can offer are realistic

Areas that can be treated with liposuction include:


The accumulation of excess belly fat tends to cause the body to grow underiable features such as lovehandles & muffintops.

Liposuction can restore a flatter appearance to the abdomen and improve the contours of the abdominal muscles.


Excessive accumulation of fat on the thighs can lead to the formation of “saddle bags”. Liposuction removes fat and thins the outer and inner thighs.


Excess fat buildup on the arms is difficult to get rid of with diet and exercise. Liposuction ensures improved arm contours and no tremors from the slightest movements.

The effects of liposuction are said to last for years. Maintaining a stable weight and avoiding future pregnancies increases the likelihood of lasting results. Liposuction candidates are in good health. It’s important that you have realistic expectations of what you can achieve and don’t view liposuction as a weight loss tool.


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