Face Surgery in Dubai | 11 December 2019 Our facial expressions are influenced heavily by the appearance around our eyes. Our eyebrows convey many emotions, frowning, surprise, happiness and sadness. Fashion and trends change

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Face Surgery in Dubai | 11 December 2019

Our facial expressions are influenced heavily by the appearance around our eyes. Our eyebrows convey many emotions, frowning, surprise, happiness and sadness. Fashion and trends change but in general, when the shape of the eyebrow arches in its outer part, it is aesthetically pleasing. Conversely a low lateral eyebrow position indicates sadness or tiredness. A heavy middle brow indicates anger or distress. Similarly to eyelids, premature aging of the brow is in part hereditary, but very simple to correct.

Types of brow lift surgery

Lateral Temporal Browlift

This is a very simple procedure that may be performed under local anaesthetic alone. It is my favoured technique as it produces an excellent lift whilst minimising bruising, swelling and downtime. It is also a limited dissection, as it doesn’t release the medial brow. (which can be excellently treated with Botox® injections). A 3 cm incision is made behind the temple hairline and the forehead skin and muscle Muscle facsia is elevated. It is then lifted into a better position and fixed with stitches.

Direct Browlift

Common in older times, the direct browlift involves removing a strip of forehead skin in the hairline (tricophytic) or eyebrow line (wedge). The former is useful in those with high hairlines to reduce the height of the forehead and in older patients who have profound descent of the brows affecting visual field function.

Endoscopic Browlift

The endobrow is the same procedure as the Lateral Temporal lift except it elevates the whole forehead (including the middle section) by using 5 separate incisions in the hairline. There is a risk of forehead numbness and headaches after this procedure and in my experience can lead to an overly elevated look. so I do not use this technique routinely.  

Often patients literally walk out of the operating theatre into the recovery room and are back home (if local). It is quite normal to have some swelling but this subsides within 24 hours or so.


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