Body contouring surgery, which can transform your shape completely, involves reducing fat and either tightening the skin over it, or also removing the skin. Body contouring surgery is especially suitable for people who have lost significant amounts of weight either through diet or bariatric surgery procedures.
Body contouring surgery refers to using different techniques to improve the external contour of the skin over our muscles. This may involve liposuctions with or without removing excess skin.
Depending on the procedure it can take as little as an hour (contouring the double chin) to lengthy operations where we address the truck and abdomen and back.
Body contouring surgeries are usually inpatient procedures.
Removing large amounts of skin and fat may result in low blood count and also dehydration. Infiltrations may also cause volume overload in large body contouring surgeries. These are always taken into considerations and patients might need to optimise their health before undergoing such operations.
When large amounts of skin and tissue are removed and/or energy devices such as Vaser are used, there is always a risk of developing hematomas or blood collections, seromas or fluid collection. Skin necrosis is especially a risk in smokers and infection is a risk in diabetic patients.
Depending on the area operated on, recovery can be anywhere between 1 week to several weeks.
Results of body contouring surgery are usually impressive and not only give patients confidence, but also, when healing is completed, improve their quality of life with increased mobility.
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