While Botox is still predominantly used by women, its use by men has been steadily growing in recent years. Indeed, Botox is now the single most popular cosmetic procedure for men. Not only that,

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While Botox is still predominantly used by women, its use by men has been steadily growing in recent years. Indeed, Botox is now the single most popular cosmetic procedure for men. Not only that, but Dr. Shahram sees a very diverse group of men attracted to the procedure.

Of course, the same benefits from Botox are available to men and women, but men and women may have somewhat different objectives in mind when considering the procedure.

The primary motivation for getting Botox is the desire to look young for as long as possible. Botox helps achieve this by removing or minimizing the lines and wrinkles that often accompany aging – it can also soften the general complexion, resulting in a more relaxed, rested look. 

Botox can help to achieve a smoother forehead which contributes to a more youthful look, especially for men with receding hairlines, or who are bald. It’s also widely used to treat “crow’s feet” – the deep lines that can develop in the corners of the eyes. Botox can also be used to minimize smile lines that can extend from the sides of the nose downwards, although many men are not concerned if they develop this facial feature.

Men typically carry more muscle mass and consequently may require larger doses of Botox than women do to achieve the desired results. Men also typically prefer lower-maintenance procedures than women are prepared to accept, and are more likely to try to maximize the periods between Botox treatments.

Dr. Shahram also sees younger men, who may not have actually developed significant facial wrinkles, looking to use Botox proactively, as a way to prevent these wrinkles from forming in the future.

Some factors that may be contributing to the increased popularity of Botox among men include:

Workplace competitiveness

Many men report being motivated to get Botox to maintain their competitiveness against their younger co-workers. Many people feel that keeping a youthful appearance helps them fight against ageism in the workplace.

Social media

The rise of social media and online dating apps may also be a motivating factor for some men who want to look their best for their online profiles.

Encouragement from significant other

Some men may be motivated to get cosmetic procedures for their significant other.

Almost anyone can use this procedure for a softened, supple, wrinkle-free appearance, including the elevation of the eyebrows’ tail, which start to sag with age.


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