Rhinoplasty Dubai | 1 February 2022 Traditional rhinoplasty often involves fractures to remove bony bulges or thin bone bridges, all done with a chisel and hammer. Recently, a new technique has entered the ranks

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Rhinoplasty Dubai | 1 February 2022

Traditional rhinoplasty often involves fractures to remove bony bulges or thin bone bridges, all done with a chisel and hammer.

Recently, a new technique has entered the ranks of rhinoplasty surgeons, which uses piezoelectric technology or ultrasonic rhinoplasty to cut or scrape bone. It greatly reduces the need for fractures due to its precise shaving and contouring while not affecting surrounding soft tissue, cartilage, fat and skin. Not only does this ensure better results than traditional methods, but it means less downtime for patients, little to no bruising and minimal swelling.

How long does Piezo Assisted Rhinoplasty take?

Piezo rhinoplasty takes 2-2.5 hours in the main case, i.e. for a nose that has not yet been operated on.

How long does it take to recover after piezoelectric rhinoplasty?

Dr. Shahram advises his patients to allow enough time for them to recover. The minimum time after piezoelectric rhinoplasty is usually 10-14 days.

During this time, puffiness will appear around your eyes and cheeks. Most swelling usually goes away within the first week. Due to the fragility of our nasal structures, residual swelling can take up to 10 weeks to subside. You may be advised to use a special nasal spray to relieve temporary breathing difficulties due to swelling. It is also recommended that you sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling. 

After 6-7 days, the sutures used to close the incision are removed. The nasal tube was removed around day 10. Patients can return to their daily activities about 7 to 10 days after surgery. Dr. Shahram advises his patients to avoid strenuous activity or exercise completely for 3 weeks after surgery.

Dr. Shahram is the first plastic surgeon in the UAE to use the technique in rhinoplasty and has been using it routinely since 2014.

Rhinoplasty Dubai | 1 February 2022


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