Rhinoplasty Dubai | 30 July 2020 In addition to the procedure’s well-known cosmetic benefits, rhinoplasty has evolved to have much more versatile applications, such as to improve nasal function after a traumatic injury or

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Rhinoplasty Dubai | 30 July 2020

In addition to the procedure’s well-known cosmetic benefits, rhinoplasty has evolved to have much more versatile applications, such as to improve nasal function after a traumatic injury or illness or to help with breathing problems that affect sleep and the ability to exercise. The goal of rhinoplasty is to revise the nose to the patient’s desired appearance and functionality, keeping in mind skin type and the entire face architecture.

As with any surgical procedure, the recovery process differs from individual to individual. Here is a general idea of what to expect after a rhinoplasty procedure, along with some tips on making your recovery as pleasant and painless as possible:

2 to 3 Days After Rhinoplasty

During this period, you will feel moderate pain (which can be managed through medication) and swelling. You may also experience nausea immediately following your procedure. This is usually from a combination of anesthesia effects and swallowed blood. We advise patients to sleep on their backs with their head elevated by pillows so it is higher than their hearts to limit swelling. You should limit physical activity and refrain from taking aspirin or ibuprofen. Staying hydrated during this time minimizes pain and improves recovery.

1 Week After Rhinoplasty

You can resume normal daily activities, although heavy lifting and strenuous activity should still be avoided. Any splints or stitches are typically removed by the end of the week. Pain, bruising, and swelling diminish greatly, however it still will be hard to see the final results of your procedure.

2 Weeks After Rhinoplasty

Bruising and swelling is significantly reduced to the point where it’s not noticeable to the casual observer. You will feel comfortable enough to return to work by the middle of the second week. Mild exercise may be resumed.

3 Weeks After Rhinoplasty

By now the swelling has settled enough so that you are happy with what they see and are confident in all of your social interactions. However, nasal obstruction may still be present, although far better than during the first week.

1 Month After Rhinoplasty

You are cleared to resume normal (moderate) exercise and physical activity. Swelling is improved over the bridge, but the tip of your nose is still swollen and poorly defined.

3 Months After Rhinoplasty

80% of the swelling is gone but the tip of your nose will continue to feel numb and very stiff.

1 Year After Rhinoplasty

Most of the nasal swelling is gone. The tip appears better refined. However, the final result may take up to 2 or 3 years, depending upon the thickness of your skin and how much surgery was done. This is particularly true in revision rhinoplasty patients.

Rhinoplasty Dubai | 30 July 2020


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