There are a a number of different tummy tuck procedures, which can be customised to the needs of the patient. In general, however, tummy tucks are usually undertaken to remove unwanted skin, scars, stretchmarks

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There are a a number of different tummy tuck procedures, which can be customised to the needs of the patient. In general, however, tummy tucks are usually undertaken to remove unwanted skin, scars, stretchmarks and to tighten abdominal muscles.

The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is a normal weight person, especially an overweight person who is losing weight. A tummy tuck is not suitable for people who are overweight or want to lose weight. In the right patient, tummy tucks can have very dramatic results and are associated with high levels of patient satisfaction.

What surgeries are available and what techniques are involved?

full stomach

A classic tummy tuck is the most common procedure for patients with significantly sagging skin, excess fat, and muscle separation. During the procedure, an incision is made from the buttocks to the buttocks and around the navel. Excess skin and fat from the belly button to above the pubic hair is removed. The muscles above and below the belly button are tightened. The skin is then sutured, leaving a circular scar around the navel and a long scar on the lower abdomen. Although this surgery leaves a large scar, it maximizes the shape of the abdomen. Patients considering pregnancy should not undergo this procedure and should wait until they are sure they will not have any more children.


A smaller tummy tuck may be useful for patients with only a small amount of excess skin. General anesthesia is still required. During the procedure, skin and fat are removed from the lower abdomen, leaving a horizontal scar on the pubic hair. Sometimes the muscles also tense. There is no scar around the belly button and it can be easily stretched into different shapes. A mini tummy tuck is not as effective as a full tummy tuck.


Liposuction can sometimes be done at the same time as a tummy tuck. However, in young patients with good, elastic skin, liposuction may be recommended over tummy tuck when the predominant problem is excess localized fat.

Cummerbund Lipo Tummy Tuck

Dr. Shahram often combines tummy tucks with liposuction to specifically target the muscles, lifting and tightening the lower abdominal fascia like a fanny pack for more natural results, less downtime and the best possible scarring. he calls it cummerbund lipo abdominoplasty


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