Rhinoplasty – The Health Benefits

Rhinoplasty Dubai | 5 January 2020  Disliking the shape, size or general appearance of our nose is far from uncommon, and thousands of people enquire about surgery to transform the way that their nose

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Rhinoplasty Dubai | 5 January 2020 

Disliking the shape, size or general appearance of our nose is far from uncommon, and thousands

of people enquire about surgery to transform the way that their nose looks, known as rhinoplasty, every year. Some of the most commonly requested changes that patients would like to make to their nose include: 

– Increasing or decreasing the size of the nose

– Altering the shape or size of the tip of the nose – Making the nose straighter

– Removing a bump from the bridge of the nose – Altering the size of the nostrils

– Building up a nose that seems too flat

– Flattening out a nose that seems too pointed 

While rhinoplasty is an extremely successful cosmetic solution, it also provides a number of health benefits, something that surprises many patients. 

Rhinoplasty can improve your emotional health. How we feel about ourselves is very important

if we are to enjoy a long, happy and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, feeling self-conscious about an aspect of our appearance can have a detrimental effect on how we view ourselves. We may feel unattractive, and our confidence and self-esteem could suffer. 

However, by rectifying dissatisfaction with our

nose through rhinoplasty, patients can benefit from improved emotional health, the effects of which may filter through to your personal and professional life.

Physical health benefits of rhinoplasty. The nose is an essential component of our respiratory system, working with our mouth to enable oxygen to travel into the body and carbon dioxide to be exhaled. Some patients may find that their breathing is partially restricted. This can cause a patient to feel permanently breathless and restrict their ability to enjoy physical activities. 

Fortunately, septo-rhinoplasty can address your airway, opening it up to make it easier to breathe. This can physical health benefits including the following… 

Reduction in snoring / prevention of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Snoring is an extremely common problem that keeps millions awake at night. It is also a key symptom of a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. This is where the airway becomes blocked by relaxed soft tissue at the back of the throat while the patient sleeps. It is more common in people who are overweight, but restricted flow of air through the nose is also a contributing factor. 

Improved sleep. Most people would agree that

they could benefit from better quality sleep. Unfortunately, one of the things that most often stops us from achieving this is breathing difficulties. While we may not realize that our unconscious breathing is interrupted, airway blockages such as when you have a cold or seasonal allergy, or indeed a restricted nose, can cause us to experience poor quality sleep. 

Nasal obstruction, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, turbinate reduction, spreader grafts, batten grafts, nasal valve, continuing medical education Topic: nasal obstruction rhinoplasty surgical procedures, operative tissue transplants mucous membrane nose surgery specialty airway device, nasal septoplasty turbinate reduction nasal valve.


Closed rhinoplasty, open rhinoplasty, and revision rhinoplasty. Dorsum grafts: Septal or conchal or both are used to augment the nasal bridge.  Correction was obtained by medial and lateral osteotomies, new dome creation, suture fixation, scoring, columellar strut and tip grafts and double conchal dorsum grafts. Supratip graft: Septal or conchal graft used. The graft is measured to fit the cartilagenous dorsum.  Columellar strut: Septal graft   is ideal. The aim is to achieve tip elevation, projection and narrowing and prevent columellar retraction and correct bifid columella.  Tip graft: Septal or conchal. The triangular shield graft may be short, long, double or even triple. It is sutured to the caudal margin of the intermediate crura or used as an umbrella. Batten or alar grafts: Conchal or excised cephalic portion of the upper lateral cartilage are ideal. This type of graft is indicated in alar collapse, dimpling, retraction, pinching, alar asymmetry and in small or underdeveloped lateral crus in order to achieve strong, profound, defined and well oriented nasal side walls. Spreader grafts: Best to be a septal graft. Bilateral spreader grafts also correct cartilagenous dorsum narrowing and valve collapse. 

Rhinoplasty Dubai Anchor and rim grafts: Anchor grafts are very helpful in tip deformity associated with cleft lip.  Upper lateral cartilage grafts: Conchal or septal grafts and excised cephalic portion of lower lateral cartilage may be used to augment depressed or lost upper lateral cartilage. This is common in trauma and revised cases. Nasofrontal angle grafts: Septal, conchal or excised cephalic portion of lateral crus may be used to flatten and elevate the deep nasofrontal cosmetic surgery Dubai nose job facts nose job in dubai nose reshaping in dubai nose surgery plastic surgery Dubai rhinoplasty expert in Dubai rhinoplasty in dubai rhinoplasty surgeon in dubai

Rhinoplasty Dubai | 5 January 2020 


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