Botox Dubai | 15 April 2020 As we age, our skin loses its natural elasticity and form. Where once there was firm, tight skin, we now see lines, wrinkles and sagging skin folds. And

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Botox Dubai | 15 April 2020

As we age, our skin loses its natural elasticity and form. Where once there was firm, tight skin, we now see lines, wrinkles and sagging skin folds. And though smile lines certainly show something of who we are, many of us would prefer to see that vibrant, youthful reflection looking back at us once again. 

A natural-looking, rejuvenated appearance is made possible by skill and experience. Dr. Shahram possesses significant experience in all areas of aesthetic rejuvenation:

Brow Lift 

Also called a forehead lift, this procedure corrects a low-positioned or sagging brow, smooths furrows across the forehead and between the brows, and helps restore a more youthful appearance. A forehead lift can be done in a number of ways. The conventional “open” method involves making one continuous incision starting at ear level and moving up around the hairline. The incision is usually made well behind the hairline to hide the scar.  I offer innovations in forehead lift procedures including the use of smaller incisions and endoscopic technology to both elevate the eyebrows and reduce frown lines. 

Neck Lift 

A neck lift offers a smoother and more toned appearance to skin under the chin and neck areas. Newer, less invasive procedures offer shorter operative times, quicker recoveries and can result in significant improvement in the neckline without requiring the extensive surgical dissection of a traditional face lift. Neck lift surgery can be performed in a variety of ways. Typically, an incision is made in front of and behind the ear. The edge of the sagging neck muscles is identified and pulled up and secured. The resulting excess skin is removed behind the ear hiding the incision. Botox Dubai An alternate method involves creating an incision under the chin and tightening the underlying muscle without removing skin and without the need for an incision in front of the ear.  

Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)

In the early days of cosmetic surgery, face lifts consisted of skin tightening only. Most modern face lift techniques today consist of tightening both the skin and the tissue beneath the skin in the cheek and the neck. There are many techniques. No matter the technique, however, the principle is the same: tightening of the deeper structures allows less tension to be put on the skin, which may lead to a longer-term result. With most face lift procedures, a drainage tube is inserted during surgery. This will be removed a day or two after surgery. All sutures are usually removed within five to 10 days following surgery.  

Eyelid Surgery (Upper Lid Blepharoplasty)

This procedure is aimed at removing excess skin and fat in the upper eyelids. It typically is done under local anaesthesia combined with conscious sedation (“twilight sleep”) and has one of the most rapid recoveries of any facial plastic surgery procedure. The entire procedure takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour and the pain is minimal in most cases. Some minor swelling and bruising may last a few days, and most patients are completely recovered after a week. These procedures may be combined with brow lifts to achieve the best effect. 

Eyelid Surgery (Lower Lid Blepharoplasty)

This procedure addresses the puffiness of excess fat and the wrinkling of excess skin in the lower eyelids. For those patients with excess fat and little or no excess skin, the procedure can be performed by making the incision inside the eyelid (transconjunctival), avoiding a scar on the skin. For those patients with excess skin and fat, an incision is made just below the eyelashes, where it can be well hidden. I will use an endoscope (a pencil-like camera device) inserted through a different incision, where the forehead skin is lifted, and the muscles and underlying tissues are removed or altered to produce a smoother appearance.

Botox Dubai | 15 April 2020


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