Rhinoplasty Dubai | 3 November 2020 Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is carried out to reshape the nose or help with breathing problems. The aim of a good rhinoplasty is to provide a

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Rhinoplasty Dubai | 3 November 2020

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is carried out to reshape the nose or help with breathing problems. The aim of a good rhinoplasty is to provide a harmoniously shaped nose with regard to the other features of the face, with a natural look, which does not draw attention to itself. It should be undertaken in such a way that there are minimal complications and time off work.  

What are the most common reasons for people wanting nose operations?

Cosmetic reasons

Most people who dislike their nose have concerns about the bridge or the tip. At the bridge, or dorsum, people often complain about having a hump. Meanwhile, people who want to change the tip often see this part of the nose as being too wide, round, blobby, beaked or lacking in definition. Some people can feel self-conscious about the way their nose looks, or feel that it has a negative impact on their self-confidence, and may wish to undergo an operation to change the appearance, shape or size of their nose. Cosmetic rhinoplasty can be used to:

– Alter the width or shape of the nostrils

– Reshape the tip of the nose

– Straighten or narrow the bridge of the nose

– Correct asymmetry at the base of the nose

– Change the angle that is formed between the nose and upper lip

Medical reasons

Other patients may opt for a rhinoplasty because of an injury to the nose, whereby the nose may be broken or bent following an accident of some kind. Others may have functional breathing problems relating to the nasal airways. In these cases, surgical interventions would be considered reconstructive, whereas for the majority of nose operations the surgery is classed as cosmetic.

Rhinoplasty Dubai | 3 November 2020


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